Drew Payne’s Website

My Published Fiction Writing

This page contains a full list of my published work and, if they’re still available, where to find them:



A Bestial Appetite was published in the anthology The Monster in My Closet (Sullivan Publishing House), buy the book here


A Weekend with Family appears in 'Indie Scene' magazine, download it for free here


Once More With Feeling and Keeping It Fresh short stories appear in the anthology Eros at Large (Paradise Press), buy the book here


Two In The Bed appears in the anthology Boys in Bed (Xcite Books), buy the book here              


Queer Boy appears in the anthology ImageOut Literary Magazine, buy it here        


In an Unguarded Moment was published on the website 1000 Words, read it here.


I Can Never Say Sorry was published on the website Thick Jam, read it here.


Over in Sixty Seconds or So was published on the website GAY FLASH FICTION WORDPRESS, read it here.


Waiting for Business was published on the website GAY FLASH FICTION WORDPRESS, read it here.


Love & Need was published on the website GAY FLASH FICTION WORDPRESS, read it here.


Jonathan Roven is Lost was published on the website Gay Flash Fiction, read it here.


Appetite was published in the magazine Gazebo Magazine


Penance on a Wet Thursday Morning was published on the website Author Exchange Blog, the website is no longer online but read it here, on this website


The Devil to Blame was published on the website Gay Flash Fiction, the webpage is no longer online but read it here, on this website


Boxing Day 1975 was published on the website Gay Flash Fiction, the webpage is no longer online but read it here, on this website


Prince Charming was published on the magazine ABCtales magazine, read it here.


Saying Goodbye to Mickey was published on the website The New Flash, read it here.            


The Pizza Boy Cometh was published on the website Gay Flash Fiction.


Once More with Feeling was published on the website Gay Flash Fiction   , the webpage is no longer online but read it here, on this website


His Story was published on the website The Rainbow Community Writing Project, the website is no longer online but read it here, on this website


Those Moments was published in the magazine Creative Week, the magazine is no longer published but read it here, on this website


Keeping The Faith was published in the magazine Cream Drops, issue Cream Drops-13, the magazine is no longer published but read it here, on this website


Is It In His Eyes was published in the magazine Cream Drops issue Cream Drops-13, the magazine is no longer published but read it here, on this website


The Things You See In the Dark was published in the magazine Chroma, issue Chroma 4, the magazine is no longer published but read it here, on this website


In The Closet was published in the magazine Indulge magazine, issue #91


Out of the Valley was published in the website Velvet Mafia


On The Beach was published on the website OutUK Website


The Rose Of Stirling was published on the website Moonlicht Nicht site


The Matchmaking Dogs was published on the website Rainbow.Net Men's Room Section


The Merry-Go-Round was published in the magazine Indulge, issue #88


The New Flatmate was published in the magazine Guyz Magazine  


An Afternoon in Stirling was published in the magazine Scotsgay, read it here.


The Celebrating of Christmas was published in the magazine Scotsgay, read it here.