Drew Payne’s Website |
My Bookshop |
My writing can also be found in different books and anthologies.
This page contains links to were some of those books can be bought. Almost like my shelf in a virtual bookshop.
So, stop a moment a have a browse.
Queer Boy
This short story, about gay teen suicide, appears the 20th anniversary edition of Image Out Write. It deals with the factors that push someone towards suicide; it follows teenage Kieran through one traumatic morning in his life.
Read the first two pages of Queer Boy, to wet your appetite, here.
Buy the printed copy of Image Out Write here.
Buy an ebook/electronic copy of Image Out Write here. |
Boys in Bed, Gay anthology, Edited by Lucas Steele By William Anthony, Elizabeth Coldwell
Two in the Bed (My short story) appears in this anthology.
Bryan wakes up one Saturday morning with another, handsome man in his bed, but who is it and why have they still got their underwear on? Mark was Bryan close friend from his school days, he’s now back in Bryan’s life and there’s something the young men finally share.
(This story contains adult themes and erotic scenes.)
Buy both print copy and ebook/electronic copies of Boys in Bed here.
Here’s its Amazon listing, were you can buy it also
Eros at Large edited by Michael Harth. Twenty-seven stories about how are our lives are affected by our erotic impulses.
Two of my short stories are published in it.
Keeping It Fresh, how do you keep your sex life interesting in a long term relation? After fifteen years two men decide to spice-up their love life, with comic and sad results.
Once More with Feeling, how do deal with an unfaithful lover? Once again, the narrator here finds that his lover has been unfaithful, yet this time he has a different response.
Eros at Large can be bought here.
Here’s its Amazon listing, were you can buy it also |
Nurses on the Run - Why They Come, Why They Stay This book is a collection of essays about nursing, why people come into the profession but also why people stay in the profession, with all the stresses and strains of being a nurse.
One of my essays is included in this book. It’s an essay about working in the community, rather than a hospital, as a nurse. I really enjoy working in the community and would never want to go back into hospital nursing.
To read about my essay and how I wrote it can be found in my blog entry here.
Nurses on the Run has its own website here
You can buy a copy of Nurses on the Run here
Nurses on the Run can also be bought through Amazon |
Finished By Hand - an Xcite Books collection of five erotic m/m stories
Two in the Bed by Drew Payne “He’s wanted Mark for years, but life caused the two friends to drift apart before he could ever act on his attraction. Now he has Mark in his bed, half-naked and horny, and he’s determined to make up for all that lost time.”
My story contains adult themes and erotic scenes.
It is available only as an ebook, through Amazon, here.
Also, buy the Kobo edition of it here
(This is a short, taster collection for the full anthology Boys in Bed, were my story also appears) |
The Monster in My Closet, an anthology of six horror stories, edited by Brandy Sullivan
A Bestial Appetite (My short story) appears in this book
“He sat there at the table, still wet and tired. Every muscle ached. His shoulders and back screamed at him to grab a hot shower, but there wasn't time.”
Jefferson, after a car crash, finds himself lost and being hunted by a pack of wild wolves, in The Iron Range mountains of Minnesota. But Jefferson has his own secrets and rescue comes with a price.
Watch the YouTube trailer for The Monster in My Closet here.
Buy The Monster in My Closet, from Amazon, here. |
Indie Scene Magazine, issue 1
The first edition of this magazine contains my short story A Weekend with Family
Tom has agreed to look after his elderly father, who is suffering with Alzheimer's, to give his stepmother Eva a rest from caring for his father. Alzheimer’s hasn’t just taken the old man’s memories and Tom finds himself facing an uncomfortable weekend.
A Weekend with Family can be found on page 16 of the magazine
Download Indie Scene Magazine Issue 1, for free, here. |
Alternative Places to Buy My Writing:
These are other online retailers were my writing and the books my writing appears in can be found. All of them are my pages on those retailers and list all the books they are selling with my writing in.